Why does everything have to be philosopichal with you?



Welcome to my series of writing that I dedicate to my mother, my family, and friends. Here I will write whatever comes into mind in an attempt to pierce the veil of writer’s block that seems to plaque most people that enjoy thinking about things but have a hard time putting it down on some sort of cloud based server. The decision of whether I want to post videos or just write about my experiences are still up in the air, but I figured this is probably the best way to get started.

A Little bit about me:

My name is Richard N. Portilla. I am 26 (About to be 27) I was born in NYC and have lived in Corona, NY my whole life. Although I barely recognize the neighborhood I grew up in, growing up in Corona has raised me to be a particular type of person. So particular I question if I am on one side of the tracks or the other. I graduated Hunter College with a English degree with a concentration on Creative Writing. Something a few people I grew up with can say. I am not very happy about that. I don’t think it’s something to brag about. I often feel a deep desire to help people better their lives. Either by advice or by actually being there helping to move something.  It makes the light inside of me shine brighter.

I’ve held multiple jobs. I’ve been a street vender, a delivery boy, host, construction worker, teacher, secretary and office manager, but all the jobs I’ve ever held failed to ever reach the great felling I had when I was a researcher. I love anything that has to do with science. I love research and everything with it. Although it has been a struggle to get back into that field, I am always looking for way to get into that field again. I think that my journey will end up there somehow, I just don’t know when.

I’ve been told I am a kind soul. That I am a beautiful person. I like to think that when most people tell me that they mean the inside, but some people seem to think that I am beautiful on the outside and I really appreciate that. I hope that didn’t put you off. There’s a beauty in recognizing compliments meant to uplift you. I have taken the idea of accepting compliments without a grain of any negative intentions behind it. I find that the mentality of rejecting complements just because there is always some sort of negative intention behind it takes away from the brightness of the world surrounding you.  I’m tired of living in that negativity.

My hobbies include going for walks somewhere with anyone. Sometimes I like to talk a lot, sometimes I like to just listen. Whether it is about politics, philosophy, conspiracy theories, music, or shows (Although I don’t watch TV at all, I still appreciate why a TV show is great in your opinion). I also love playing games! I love playing Connect Four, dominoes, poker, video games like league of legends, PUBG, Overwatch. Stuff that makes you think strategically ( I was addicted to Civilization at one point…something about building your own world keeps me entertained….I guess everyone wants to be god sometimes). I love the ASOIF world. Although the show has kind of been going downhill lately, I always liked the world that G. RR Martin has built. New languages, feudal systems, political systems, social structures, food, magical aspects…..more food. It’s great! I used to write poetry, but I stopped. I don’t think I am that good. My stuff didn’t rhyme. I thought I was good, but it kind of stopped. I love dancing. Well I used to. I am trying to get back into the swing of things, but it’s hard…

This is my first attempt to leave something on the internet that can give me a launch pad for my writing. I am thinking I will write some short stories here and there, but I will mostly be writing about my trip to Ecuador. I am going to be staying there for a long time and I hoping to grow into a great and better person! I am excited, but also scared. I am always scared of what the future holds. It’s one of my biggest anxiety inducing triggers I have. It sometimes paralyzes me. But I am walking forwards, never backwards.

Either way, I hope this gives you just a gist of who I am! I hope you have enjoyed what you have read and hopefully you come back to check in on my newer entries as time goes on! Have a blessed day and life.


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